Success stories with smapOne

The energy transition has changed the utilities market significantly. Its complexity has increased, as have demands on network operators. To cope with this, the largest regional network operator in Bavaria, Germany, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH, has taken a new approach: linking smapOne with the Microsoft Power Platform to digitally map processes from the first to the last step.

When producing important plastic parts, there's no room for error. As a supplier and plastics manufacturer, OSBRA Formteile GmbH is subject to various requirements and certifications to meet specific customer needs. With smapOne, they have created a digital ecosystem that enables ad hoc evaluations with real-time data which maps the production process with complete transparency.
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Lukas and Lea work at BSH, a German manufacturer for photovoltaic solar power systems. Neither are programming experts. Yet thanks to smapOne's no-code tool, they build their own business apps for the company. Altogether they have digitised almost ten processes in a short amount of time. While closely cooperating with everyone, they are promoting the courage to digitise throughout the company.
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At the Honold logistics company, dedicated employees are actively driving digitalisation forward under their own steam. More than 300 smaps have been created in 18 months. In the meantime, an active creator community has emerged. They regularly communicate with each other, exchange new smap ideas and thus fuel the digital future of the company.
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At Rhenus, about 11 employees are building their own smaps with smapOne at Rhenus, the globally operating logistics provider from Germany. Ideas for application scenarios in the warehouse, on the yard, in the QM and in the office have so far resulted in around 74 small prototype smaps. And the trend is rising rapidly.
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Clariant BU Pigments employees were originally looking for an audit app but found that many of their paper-based processes in production could be digitised using their own apps. Now they record all information on dangerous goods documentation in real time using their own app. This means the company saves a lot of time and creates documentation that is safe for the authorities.
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In construction projects supported with subsidies, documentation must meet strict requirements. OST BAU, a German construction company specialising in the areas of structural and civil engineering as well and road construction, solves this challenge with digital data capture with smapOne. Georeferencing, offline capability and automated data storage in the right form mean it's easy to create reports true to the requirements.
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The expectation was clear: "Reduce paper and drive digitisation in the company". With 15 apps, the BWF Group has now managed to digitalise processes and save significant time. These positive results benefit not only the company, but above all the employees, whose everyday work has been made immediately easier. In the meantime, there are many ideas for the use of further apps.
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Sustainability and the responsible use of resources are two important components of the way BAM, a German real estate service provider, works. That is why the company is increasingly relying on lean, digital solutions. Digitisation "at the snap of a finger".
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The Masa Group specialise in the design and production of systems and machinery for the building materials industry. For them, a standalone digital solution was out of the question. Integrating and collecting data using their own apps was the most important requirement during digitalisation. Using REST-API and Microsoft Flow, numerous processes could be implemented consistently.
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SAKRET, one of the leading German quality manufacturers in the building materials industry, succeeded in digitalising manual processes pragmatically and quickly: with its own mobile apps. For example, sales staff can send a complaint form from the app to the office staff as a PDF without delay. In addition, experiences and customer wishes are now documented via an app for market observation. Many more apps will follow.
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BLG Logistics used the proof of concept offer for six months. The goal was to identify usage scenarios and the required scope of use, to quickly train app creators and to determine an economic ROI. As a result, the app creators created 14 of their own apps. Use of the process app alone saved time up to 50%.
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Seifert Logistics is growing fast throughout Europ. This brings constant challenges: new locations and employees must be integrated as quickly as possible and customers expect flexible solutions for their needs. Thanks to smapOne, many processes are now streamlined and customers love the individually-tailored dashboards.
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THese days, the CANCOM fleet's drivers create vehicle handover protocols and accident reports digitally using two apps from smapOne. This improves the reliability and speed of their processes and saves the company 30-40% in preparation time and recording information via the app.
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As a major grid operator, Avacon Netz GmbH modernises and maintains kilometres of highly sensitive infrastructure. Employees use tablet apps to document things like the installation of new modules and the disposal of hazardous waste and defects in the systems. The smapOne app construction kit lets individual workers design their own process support.
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Germany's No. 1 in wind farm management now relies on apps for the documentation of inspections, tests or measurements! This means that the company saves 50% of their time, makes life easier for employees and generally has better quality data to work with.
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The intuitive app construction kit from smapOne gives Bausch employees the opportunity to easily implement their processes in apps themselves. By digitising problem scenarios in just a few steps, Bausch not only promotes a productive workflow, but also work motivation for further process optimisation.
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Calanbau dared to experiment: apps instead of paper. They wanted to take full advantage of the digital possibilities available to them. Now, the fire protection system manufacturer maps all processes like accident reports or fire risk analyses using digital forms. This ensures a uniform, continuous input of data.
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