Enter Data Anytime, Anywhere

  • Streamline your experience
  • All your smaps in one place
  • Keep working, uninterrupted

Step 2: Using a smap

What you'll learn here

smapOne App

For Android, iOS, Windows & Web
smapOne App

smap Overview

All smaps in one place
smap Overview

Offline Function

Record data offline
Offline Function


Get Started with the smapOne App

In the first step, you created and shared your smaps (Step 1). Now, your team can easily enter data using the smapOne app on phones or tablets. It’s quick, convenient, and works on iOS, Android, Windows and Web.

  • Available cross-platform
  • Ready to use right away
  • Link user & device


All smaps in a Single App

Streamline your experience with the smapOne app. Install and access all the smaps that have been shared with you in one place. Installing a smap takes just one click.

  • One-click installation
  • Updates always at hand
  • For PC or mobile devices


Record Data Even When Offline

No internet? No problem! Our app temporarily saves all data offline, so you won't lose anything. As soon you reconnect, your data will be automatically uploaded. Keep working, uninterrupted.

  • Use on- and offline
  • Save multiple data sets
  • Uninterrupted use

Collaborate: Reach solutions faster, together

Step 3/4

On to Step 3

It’s easy with smapOne.

Our platform helps you maximise productivity, stay ahead of the competition, easily scale your apps, and keep your data organised. Are you ready to experience the power of automation and innovation?

Contact Our Team Today