Create your own
inventory app

Need your own custom warehouse process optimisation solution? Now you can create your own inventory app!

Use your own app ("smap") to digitally capture inventory information. With the smapOne platform, you can design process-specific software that fits your needs. Plus, you can adapt this solution to your changing requirements... with flexibility and ease.

No coding necessary! Try it out today.

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How Does an Inventory App Work?

At smapOne, our app builder platform lets you create your own solution. It lets you build a custom inventory management app ("smap") step-by-step. All tailored to your specific requirements. And you don't need to code. Instead, you use predefined modules ('building blocks'). Using simple drag and drop, you build a piece of inventory software that does what you need.

It's that simple!

App creation happens on the smapOne platform, which is available from respective stores. Download it to your tablet/smartphone and start creating. During the process, you can see how it's coming along using a live preview function. Once finished, download your prototype onto your computer, phone or tablet and give it a try! Play around with it, see how it works with your processes and find what needs improvement.

Once you're happy with your prototype inventory solution, start testing! See how it works in real life.

Sounds simple? It is. Start playing now with smapOne!


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Your Own Warehouse Management Solution…

It’s time to optimise your warehouse management. And it can be done with a simple app you’ve created yourself.

Different modules perform different, specific functions. Application scenarios exist for mobile forms, checklists and much more.

Design a Digital Occupational Safety Checklist

  • All via an app for smartphone & tablet – The end of paperwork.
  • Quickly create different occupational safety checklist apps based on specific use cases.
  • Confirm with digital signatures straight away using a mobile checklist.
  • A copy function sends reports to all participants - within seconds.

A Custom Object Inspection Checklist

  • Up-to-date, weatherproof and secure.
  • Document every piece of information, any time, on-the-go with your smartphone.
  • Save image files and send them directly to a folder.
  • Order necessary services straight after you receive recorded data.

Load Securing Checklist

  • Minimise truck downtime with superfast recording.
  • Don’t miss any documentation thanks to mandatory fields.
  • Application facilitated by list selection using predefined data.
  • No media breaks and assignment to order.

More App Examples

  • Incoming goods inspection
  • Complaint documentation
  • 5S / Audit checklist
  • Control rounds
  • Fire protection / smoke detector check
  • Accident reports
  • Key collection & acceptance
  • Work instruction
  • Maintenance and repair
  • Machine acceptance
  • Cleaning control
  • Working time recording

Android, iOS, Windows

No programming knowledge necessary.

Use on- and offline

Data protection compliant

Compatible via REST API

Flexible user management

Digital Forms, Reports, Lists: Application Examples by Industry

Paper-based, analogue processes are in every company. And working with these can become incredibly time-consuming. You may have processes you never thought could even be digitalised in the first, saving you literally hours of time. Well, why not have a look through the different use case examples in different sectors?


Goods inspections, load securing and vehicle checks. All these can easily and quickly be digitalised using dedicated, custom apps.

Learn more about "Logistics Digitalisation"



The construction industry requires a lot of documentation. And traditionally, that comes with paper. Lots of paper. Construction inspections, safety instructions, performance records, you name it. And this is where flexible apps save time.

Learn more about "Construction Digitalisation".

Facility Management

Recording defects, handovers, assignment reports – no need to write them down! You can transform these into smart, simple applications that get the job done faster and securely. And many users benefit from individual adaptability.

Learn more about "property management via app".

Why Choose smapOne?

Get to know our mission

Ihr eigener App-Baukasten

Your own app builder

Create as many apps as needed. Easily digitalise work processes. It's easy and fun. #startplaying

Hohe Akzeptanz

High Approval

At smapOne, we make you the doer. We don't offer a rigid third-party solution. Empower your department to create apps & easily implement ideas!

No Code Plattform smapOne

No Code

The smapOne no code platform makes every employee a Citizen Developer. This lets them digitally optimise their everyday progress. No programming knowledge needed.

Digitale Kompetenz fördern

Digital Competence

Employees can get involved, question and optimise processes. This makes them an important part of building sustainable digital competence.

Entlastung der IT-Abteilung durch Citizen Development

Relieve the IT department

Your IT department is free to focus on mission-critical, complex developments. For simple processes digitalised with Citizen Development, it takes a supporting role.

Need advice & information?

We're happy to help! Just contact us!