5S Compliance Audit App for Warehouses & More

Need a tool for auditing? You can create your own compliance audit app with the smapOne app builder. Easy to build, it lets you create custom solutions from predefined modules.

Your team can create software for internal audits, safety audit apps, 5S checklists and more. All thanks to drag-and-drop, and without writing a single line of code.

Want to know more?

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5S Checklist: Logistics & Warehouses

Lean Supply Chain relies on clean, orderly warehouses that follow set standards. And it is this foundation that facilitates and accelerates working methods in the long term. Called the “Kaizen method”, it began in the automotive industry.

5S checklists can be used for:

  • Supplier audits
  • Incoming goods audits
  • Occupational health & safety
  • Fleet & vehicle control
  • Load securing
  • Hazardous goods control
  • Risk assessments

Internal Health & Safety Audits

Want to audit the quality of your health, safety and hygiene regulations? It’s good to make sure they are all up to standard. And you can easily do this with the smapOne app builder. Here, you created an app customised to your specific needs.

And this covers non-exhaustive list of use cases, like:

  • Hygiene audits and food safety
  • Quality management
  • Temperature control, HACCP checklists
  • IT system audits
  • First aid and fire protection
  • Site inspections
  • Process audits
  • Inspection of machine devices and tools

Advantages of smapOne Compliance Audit Apps

Your advantages with compliance audit apps from smapOne

  • No media discontinuity
  • No more endless Excel documents
  • Structured, digital data records
  • Available online & offline
  • For Android, iOS and Windows
  • Fast, playful & intuitive
  • Use for a wide range of use cases

Android, iOS, Windows

No programming knowledge necessary.

Use on- and offline

Data protection compliant

Compatible via REST API

Flexible user management

Looking for advice & information?

We're happy to help! Feel free to contact us.